Culture Club Survey

We want your feedback!!

Please take a moment to review the information below and provide your input.

As you may recall, Culture Club has landed on three Value Statements for LG:

  1. We Commit to Our Team
  2. We Cultivate Genuine Relationships
  3. We Create Shared Success

In your February Circles you provided some excellent feedback into what behaviors you believed best illustrated the first value statement and we finalized them as follows:

We Commit To Our Team

  • We recognize and congratulate others on their good work.
  • We communicate in a clear and honest way. We build trust through forthright interactions.
  • We support our teammates and help them to grow.
  • We take an interest in each other’s personal lives and seek to build authentic connections.


Now we need your help with the other two commitments. Please take a moment to rank the behaviors listed below each commitment by using numbers 1 through 7 (1 being MOST resonates, 7 meaning LEAST resonates). NOTE: If you add a new commitment to the list, you will need to rank all of the commitments from 1 to 8. Please use each number only once per commitment.

Questions? Please reach out to Rachel Myers at