This page contains instructions for completing your second Everyday Advisors assignment.
Feel free to reach out to Jennifer Witherbee if you have any questions.
Continue on with Trust Building by engaging clients in a gap analysis. Review your list of clients from the first activity and identify three that would gain value from a gap analysis. In your plan, identify which three you commit to assisting in this way and when you’ll complete the gap analysis meeting. The Rainmaker Company has provided you with a tool to guide your conversation. You’ll want to customize the questions you’re asking based on the clients’ needs. Please complete your plan by August 30th.
Please use the form below to complete and submit your homework. Once you receive a copy of your submission in your email, similar to last time, please save or print as a .pdf. However, we we received feedback that the whiteboards were difficult to navigate, so instead please post to your .pdf to your specific Rainmakers Peer Group channel in Teams.