NEW SOC code reporting required
In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance.
What are SOC codes?
SOC stands for Standard Occupational Classification. It’s a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data.
This data is used by:
- Government program managers.
- Industry and labor relations specialists.
- Students considering career training.
- Job seekers.
- Vocational training schools.
- Employers wishing to set salaries or locate a new business
- List of Standard Occupational Classification codes and definitions
- Standard Occupational Classification coding guidelines
- Standard Occupational Classification manual
- Search occupational titles and codes
What we need from you
- Download this template
- Complete the spreadsheet with your employee names, SSN & SOC codes (refer to the Resources section above for links to code definitions).
- Once finished, you can simply return it to us via the file upload field in the form below:
Questions? Please reach out to your main point of contact via email or phone or call our main office line at 360.734.4280.